Thinking about becoming a geoscientist?
Geoscientists :
- Search for mineral and energy resources
- Recognize the economic and environmental impacts of resource extraction and use.
- Study natural hazards and environmental geoscience to clean up and reclaim land.
- Research watershed science to maintain and manage clean water sources.
- Investigate global climate change and oceanography
- Communicate cutting-edge geosciences research to our communities.
- Explore planetary geology to understand planets like Mars.
CMU Geosciences Video
Thinking about becoming a geology major? Check out our video!

Colorado Mesa University is situated in a geological paradise straddling the Rocky Mountains and the Colorado Plateau. Our program is very field oriented and includes field trips to places such as the rugged, glacially sculpted San Juan Mountains, the Colorado River, the world renowned Book Cliffs, Arches and Canyonlands, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, and the breathtaking formations of Colorado National Monument. Our location also provides Colorado Mesa students with some of the best recreational opportunities in the nation.
Geosciences Job Outlook
"Employment of geoscientists is projected to grow 5 percent from 2023 to 2033, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 2,200 openings for geoscientists are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire."
"As of December 2020, 91% of geoscience graduates who earned their degree between 2014-2018 were employed, while 75% of graduates from 2019 and 80% of graduates from 2020 reported the same. For geoscience graduates who earned their degree in 2020, 31% of bachelor's, 50% of master's, and 91% of doctorates had secured employment by December 2020."
Grand Junction Gem and Mineral Club Event Information
All geosciences students are welcome and encouraged to attend the bimonthly GJGMC meetings, field trips, and other events, including the fall Gem and Mineral show.
Geosciences Applauds Generous Geo-Fundraiser
The Grand Junction Gem and Mineral Club is home to outstanding members of our geo-community and promotors of education. Every year the Gem Club hosts events, including the Annual Grand Junction Gem, Mineral, and Jewelry Show, which draws in people from all over the rock-hound world. The fall show attracts more than 1500 attendees. These folks bring their dollars and leave with gem and mineral treasures!
The Gem Club has been raising money for scholarships and awarding them to our CMU Geosciences students since 1980. Between 1980 and 2024, the Club has generously awarded more than $40,000 in scholarships!
The Gem Club is an important economic contributor to our local economy. Importantly, from a CMU Geosciences perspective, the club is also a very generous supporter of education of CMU students. All of us at CMU Geosciences thank the Gem Club for their generosity, strong ties to our university, and commitment to education of our Western Slope youth.
Grand Junction Geological Society: Monthly Speaker Information
All geosciences students are welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly GJGS events.
The Grand Junction Geological Society (GJGS) is community of geosciences professionals, students, and local people with multiple geo-interests. At its monthly meetings, the GJGS hosts guest speakers, including CMU Geosciences faculty and alumni, on hot topics in the geosciences.
For many years, the GJGS and its individual members have been dedicated supporters of the CMU Geosciences Program. Since 2012, the GJGS has awarded $18,250 in student scholarships, $2375 in student-speaker awards, and $6500 in other financial support to the Geosciences program. Each spring, the GJGS typically awards five, annual $750 field-camp scholarships to defray the cost of attending the summer course. The Society has also generously purchased and donated tents and other course materials for field-camp students. Individual GJGS members have established endowments that provide scholarships for CMU students, including the endowed Forrest Nelson scholarship, which was initiated in 2018 with a donation of $600,000 and will provide scholarships to CMU geosciences students for many years to come.
Each spring, the GJGS also runs the William Chenoweth Memorial Field Trip. Members and CMU Geosciences faculty and students use this trip to meet and greet new outcrops and new folks in our geo-community here in Grand Valley.
The GJGS is a very generous supporter of education of CMU Geosciences students. All of us at CMU Geosciences thank the GJGS for their generosity, strong ties to our Geosciences students, and commitment to their education and professional development.
CMU Geosciences News
Fall 2024 CMU Geosciences Program Newsletter

Some Geosciences students' feedback: “The GSA conference was one of the best experiences of my educational career to date. It was truly amazing to see all of the different talks, presentations, and booths, which showcased how versatile geosciences is.” – Morgan Sholes
“I would recommend attending the annual GSA meeting to every geology major. GSA opened my eyes to the wide array of applications of geology in a way that is not possible to convey in college courses. I believe I will look back on my experience at GSA as one of the foundational moments of my geology career.” - Grant Barnes
“I would highly recommend that GEOL students, especially juniors and seniors, attend a national GSA conference! It is a fantastic chance to meet and talk to people in our field from the undergraduate level, all the way to PhD level, and people in the industry. I got to speak to many graduate programs and companies, such as Brunton and NASA, which was incredibly insightful! Not only is it a lot of fun, but it also allows you to get a glimpse of all the possible post- undergraduate pathways opportunities!” – Addison Early
MavRocks student selected as Water Fellow
Senior Graceanne Hanson was selected as a 2024-2025 Colorado Water Fellow. The CMU Water Fellows Program is an academicyear long curriculum designed to prepare students for careers in the water field and connect them to opportunities. This includes attendance at water conferences, field trips, and monthly meetings that delve into topics such as water law, water careers, water equity and justice, tribal perspectives, and one water approaches encompassing graywater, stormwater, and recycled water. The emphasis on a holistic, interdisciplinary understanding of water related issues prepares the Water Fellows to navigate the complexities of the field. The CMU Water Center received about 15 applicants for the Water Fellows program and Grace was one of the top five candidates.
The World Around Us

With support from the Unconventional Energy Center, Dr. Javier Tellez and students Liam Posovich(’24) and Michael Longworth had the opportunity to attend the IMAGE International Conference of Applied Geoscience in Houston, Texas, from August 28 to September 1, 2024.